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Space Hero

Space Hero

Today I made a new app but the app called ASTEROID BLASTER. If you want to see my app click here : In my app, you are a dinosaur riding a spaceship and blasting meteors. If you get hit, you lose. My dad got the top score so far of...
The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse

Today I watched a show called The Last Kids On Earth. It’s about four kids fighting to survive the Apocalypse full of zombies and monsters from another dimension. I also got 12 laps on my Elliptical during PE. In History class I learned that the Korean War was a...
Egg time

Egg time

Today I made a new app called SCRAMBLED EGGS. If you want to see my app, click here: It is an app where you are an egg and you have to dodge heavy objects. If you don’t dodge the heavy object, the egg cracks and you lose. In...


Today in Science I learned that the National Space Station was not launched from Earth. instead, its pieces where launched into space a few at a time and assembled there. It was put together in space by men and their spacecraft. In PE I watched Iron Man 2. In this...
Alien battle

Alien battle

Today I finally finished my app called OPERATION ALIEN FORCE. If you want to see my app click here: In PE I got 11 laps on the elliptical while watching Bunk’d on the TV. Bunk’d is a show where a bunch of kid...
Iron Man

Iron Man

Today I watched the first Iron Man movie, where we see the original Iron Man suit and the first giant iron man suit. While watching the movie, I also did 13 laps on my elliptical during PE. In History class I learned that the Cold War was just the United States trying...