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Archery Day

Archery Day

This post is about how I made a game called Bullseye and got new information on the Cold War. I also did 20 laps on the elliptical.

The Project, Day 1!!!

The Project, Day 1!!!

Today I started work on a super long app that is going to be awesome. I also watched some TV, did some typing, read some cool books and had fun.

Extra TV

Extra TV

Today I watched TV, did some exercise, wrote a little tiny bit of code, read a book, played with a puppy, made this blog post and lots of other things.

Home school day two

Home school day two

This post is about my second day of school, where I set a world record on the elliptical machine (14 laps) and did some coding and stuff.

Toilet day

Toilet day

This post is about my second day in homeschooling where I created a cool app with gold toilets.


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