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Easter At Home

This Easter I stayed at home due to the Chines Virus. At home, I got a whole box of Cadbury creme eggs, jelly beans, very comfy slippers, and a Harry Potter Lego set. I also got to see my family on an app called Zoom.

We had our egg hunt in our back yard instead of or front yard. Also, instead of candy in our eggs we got money and with all mine added up I got $12.78.

Tasty, delicious cake…

We also ordered a special Easter dinner from a place called Itavie New York Grill & Bakery. The dinner had potatoes, chicken and gravy, salad and rosemary bread. For dessert, we had a three-layered strawberry cake with strawberry cream; and it was delicious.

Featured Image by Sneha Chekuri on Unsplash

Written by: JD Brito

April 14, 2020

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