This weekend we decided to get up and out of the house. We ended up deciding upon taking a trip to Monticello. If you were not aware, this is the house / plantation of Thomas Jefferson. It was actually JD’s idea to go visit Monticello; which he’ll happily brag to you about if you let him. 😉

As we began our trek up the path that leads to the house, we stopped for a picture with Mr. Jefferson.

The path takes you past the cemetery where Thomas Jefferson is buried.

I thought this gate was pretty awesome looking, so I had to take a picture.

Honestly, the views at this place are pretty dang amazing. There were some other better photos of the scenery, but I was more interested in sharing a picture of these two little guys. You can check the shared album link below for more scenery-type photos. This photo was taken at the location where we all met up to join our group and head into the house.

Here’s our group forming up outside the house. Unfortunately, they didn’t let us take pictures inside the house. Apparently, there are pieces of art in there that they don’t own the rights to or something. Anyhow, it is actually pretty awesome inside. If you get a chance you should check it out.

After the tour, we were taken out to this back deck area and JD struck a pose next to this pretty cool sundial.

Meanwhile, I snapped a shot of Wyatt next to this… Whatever it is…

Finally, we were treated to this beautiful view of the back of the house. It really is pretty amazing when you see it in person.

The boys posed for the obligatory end of tour photo on the back steps.

JD works in one final dab before we have to start heading back.

Wyatt is ready to hit the road.

Until next time, Monticello!
This was actually a pretty cool little day trip. Definitely check it out if you are in the area. I actually took more than 500 pictures while we were there including a number of the outdoor features, the skyline and scenery, some panoramic photos that are pretty awesome, and a TON of shots of the boys. If you’d like to check them out, just head over to the shared album right here: