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Happy Easter 2017

JD and Wyatt in their jammies on Easter.

It was recently made known to me that Granny likes to check out this site to check for updated pictures for the boys. So, I figured I would use this platform to post some new photos; specifically, those from Easter.  ðŸ˜‰

I actually took more than 300 photos this Easter. Photos like this one:

Wyatt Commits a Chocolate Rabbiticide…

And other photos like this one:

JD Gets a Pokemon Go Plus

Obviously, I didn’t take 300+ pictures of just these two crazy kids. I also got some great shots of our family.  😉

And naturally, there were some great photos of the rest of this wonderful family:

As I mentioned, there were more than 300 photos. If you’d like to check them out, or add your own, please check out the Easter 2017 photo album on Google Photos.

Happy Easter Everybody!!!

Dom, Mel, JD & Wyatt

Written by: Dominique Ramirez

April 30, 2017

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